This was Me

This was Me (Original version by Jewel)

I have black hair
I do have a slashed eyebrow
I have my mother's nose
My father's height
I have straight teeth and dark brown eyes
I play guitar
I used to get sick a lot
I like the color of wine
I've cheated on boyfriends
I've owned fake jewels
But my hair is still black
and my teeth are still straight
I probably won't always like the color of wine
This was me
I have firm breasts
I have perfect lips that always smile
I have veins that bleed
I laugh when I'm nervous
I feel the pain of others
But cry for no reason
This was me
I like open flame
I've been selfish for quite some time
I'm from Lutopan but hate the warmth
I've cheated on diets
I've faked letters
But I still bleed
And my lips still smile
and my breasts won't always be firm

I have strong shoulders
I have fair skin
I have a cute face borrowed from my father
I have shot nails because it is cut regularly
My little toe is strange
I write
I used to makeover my face
I brush my hair before bed
I've shared answers on tests
I faked flirtatious accents
But I still have fair skin
And my nails are still short
And I won't probably won't always have strong shoulders
And I may not always write
But maybe I'll start and improve my makeovers
(word revision by page)

this was me

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