Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong a Must See in Taiwan!

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong a Must See in Taiwan!

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

The beautiful Tian Yuan Gong! Just so happy to see every single time!

I’ve been here several times and yet I can’t have enough of its majestic view. I wish I was a poet so I could express my admiration to this view I am staring at with words beyond the understanding of a human intellect. Someone keeps on telling me to use AI to my blogs so I won’t worry about writing and run out of vocabularies but I am an anti-AI. I might be the only one and I don’t care.

I’m not against it, I just don’t want to be dominated by it. To me, my blog is my expression of love, appreciation and frustration so I would never let an AI describe how I feel for an AI can never fathom the depth of human emotion most especially mine.

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong a Must See in Taiwan!

If you’re broken-hearted, I would recommend you coming here at Tian Yuan Gong and just release that bad vibe. Let go and cry out loud if you want. This place has this special vibe of making people smile. I smile every time I see this too so it could be the temple, the hue or the forest, either way this place will lift your spirit high!

What is the origin of Tian Yuan Gong?

In 1971, when the founders of the temple held their gathering in the employee dorm of Tanshui Harbor Bureau, one of them, A-Quan Huang, was then possessed by the God who gave the following divine instruction: “I am hereby assigning a holy mission to all of you”. Enlightened by this, a group of eight people (A-Quan Huang, Wan-Qui Wan, Yu-Yin Yang, Chin-Biau Yang, Ke-Shi, Lee, Yu-Shia Kao, Jen-Yuan Ho, Ju-Hui Wang) was created to take charge of the construction of the temple.

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

They appealed for the spirit of sacrifice, devotion, salvation, and promotion of Taoism. In addition, “Adherence to Taoism” is also an important idea to them. Since the god have assigned a divine mission to construct the following three temples: “Tien-Yuan”, “Jen-Yuan” and “Ji-Yuan”, they completed the drawing of blueprint. However, they did not have enough funds for this, so the god suggested to raise the money from the believers of Taoism all over the world. Besides, the god also advised that Auspicious Lanterns, Dipper Worship, and any form of the drama are prohibited in the temple because it’s a place where Taoism is promoted rather than a mundane temple. This advice has been strictly obeyed since then.

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

    The god demonstrated his mercy by digging a well, known as “Double-eight Dragon Well”, even before the temple was built. The water in the well is said to be a gift in the form of rain from the god, adding its unique favor of freshness. Apart from that, the god also assigned the quest for a giant wood in Mt. Tatun and asked it to be carved into the statue of the god “Wu-Ji-Shen-Ju-Shen-Juen”, which is now enshrined in the basilica on first floor of the “Jen-Yuan” altar of heaven for the pilgrims to visit. In the Tien-Yuan basilica, another statue is enshrined for “Wu-Ji-Shen-Juen”, the first avatar of “Wu-Ji-Shen-Ju-Shen-Juen” in Pen-Lai Holy Land.

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

    In the same year, the god again required the exploration of another holy land known as “Shi-Ba-Dong-Tien” in Sanshia. On December 18 of every Chinese lunar year, all volunteers of the temple and those who believe in Taoism would pilgrim for this newly developed holy land to enshrine the god “Wu-Ji-Lau-Ju”.

This temple is located in Shui-Yuan Li, Tamsui Town, Taipei County, which was known as Shui-Zi-Toe, about five kilometers from the downtown. Embraced by the hills of Datun Mountain, it faces the Taiwan Strait to create a magnificent view. After entering from the entrance with the “Wu-Ji-Tien-Yuan Kirin Rock Block”, the visitors will find a spacious parking area alongside with a Mei flower shaped pond named “Wu-Long”.

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

Then they will have to take 21 stair steps up to the “Tien-Shen” gate. On the left side of the temple whose roof is decorated with two dragon statues face to face, there is a path leading to the grandiose and lofty “Tien-Yuan” tower of divinity. Before arriving at the “Jen-Yuan” altar where you can worship the gods, you have to climb the stairs of the “Jo-Long-Shen” road and walk through a grand front yard.

The temple covers an area of more than 5 hectares where there were all trees and grasses before the reclamation. Now, however, the whole place has become a green paradise full of various flowers and trees. In spring of every year, waves of tourists from everywhere come for the breathtaking view of the blossoming sakura. In this way, not only religion and human culture are combined, but leisure and tourism are associated with religion as well.

The result is that the gap caused by the awe for the divinity between gods and human beings is narrowed, and that religion is effectively fitted into everyone’s life. Not many years ago, the temple was even listed as one of the top spots for temple tours. The valuable devotions to the management and construction of the temple by all of the former presidents and volunteers are recognized by the god, who therefore named the area of the temple as “Tien-Shen-Sheng-Yu” in April, 2008.

Reference: https://tyk.org.tw/languages/english Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong

Tian Yuan Gong Official Website: https://tyk.org.tw/

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong Read: https://everydaywithgen.com/do-you-believe-in-true-and-forever-love/

How to go to Tian Yuan Gong?

  1. Ride the RED LINE MRT to TAMSUI
  2. You won’t get lost because Tamsui is the terminal station and then walk out at Exit 2 towards the Bus Terminal.
  3. Look for the 875 bus lane and queue. You can tell the driver that you will be going to Tian Yuan Gong and he will remind you to get off at the right bus stop.
  4. From the bus stop, you walk a few steps towards 711 then from the 711, you walk straight towards Tian Yuan Gong and that’s it!

Spectacular Tian Yuan Gong Time Schedule:

Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 8 pm

Contact Number: 0226212759

Instagram-able Snaps at Tian Yuan Gong


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