Wow Taiwan

Wow Taiwan Episode 5 Night Market Discount Sha Jia

Wow Taiwan Episode 5 Night Market Discount Sha Jia

Wow Taiwan Episode 5 Night Market Discount Sha Jia Episode 5 Top 5 Night Markets in Taiwan ” 殺價 Sha jia, Sha jia, Sha jia” is haggle Hola Verano Abril! Remember the last episode? I taught you Abril is April.…

wow taiwan night markett

Wow Taiwan Episode 1 Night Market 夜市 Ye Shi

Wow Taiwan - Night Market Aside from shopping, Taiwan night markets have its unique culture too! Every night market looks different, sells variety of things, souvenirs, delicacies and so much more. It's surely is a place to practice your photography skills and the snaps would definitely be instagram-able!

wow taiwan

Wow Taiwan 1 of the Hottest Travel Podcasts?

Wow Taiwan podcast is not a big surprise to Gen’s family and closest friends. It’s more like a built in expectation since Gen has been introducing Taiwan to the world on her Facebook Page and Youtube Channels for 14 years  now.