Brighten your skin in 1 quick step!

Brighten your skin - There were several whitening products I personally had tried and tested for years in order to brighten or whiten my skin but..Read this!

Brighten your skin in 1 quick step! Accept your Skin Color

When I was young, I really had no idea nor did concern myself even a thing or two on a particular sensitive societal and global issue that’s widely referred to as “skin discrimination“. As a Cebuana, I undeniably love to bathe under the piercing heat of the sun every single day in Lutopan and to me it was extraordinarily satisfying.

I could vividly reminisce how I basked excitingly and tirelessly while playing tag with my childhood friends at the basketball court just in front of my house.

Such sweet and unforgettable memories of laughters and cheers filled with pure joy from innocent souls. How delightful it is indeed for me to look back from time to time, flashback those silly and mischievous side of Gen once in a while, and then figure out a way on how I could possibly realize my vision for the kids now to be able to relate to this kind of unblended bliss of youth. – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – Fast forward College

Nevertheless, my innocence on the essence of skin color was subtly corrupted in college. It was what I refer to as “an unexpected and unplanned acquaintance to a new yet curious thing called whitening soap“. When I was in my sophomore, I had a chance to live in an all girls dormitory or the landlords would typically label it as “Female Only boarding house” in Cebu.

Fast forward, I and the girls met a Senior student, we all called her Ate or big sister in the dormitory. Her skin looked seemingly so white like that of a snow. To be honest in that time, it’s pretty unusual for me as a hilly billy, or to anyone, to see a woman from our tropical island to have that perfectly white skin so to make this story short, I along with the rest of the gals in the dormitory decided to settle our curiosity.

We marched gracefully towards her room in another floor but just within the walls of our dormitory building and interrogated her like young detectives. We poured out all our curiosity in her beauty secret and how she brightened her skin like that. To our surprise, our big sister willingly shared to us her struggle in losing her self confidence and she added that a particular whitening soap helped her bring back her long lost self esteem.

She narrated, “Unfortunately I suffered from chronic acne at a young age and when I came to the metro to pursue my studies I had countless attempts on commercial skin care, including the fact that I tried almost all bath and beauty soaps displayed on the grocery rack just to find a suitable product for my Acne prone skin.

After her life testimony, our big sister then revealed to us her miracle whitening soap and it was according to her, the only brand that solved her long term skin problem.  – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – Olive skin is Morena

Without further ado, all the girls who were a part of that young detective circle including myself grabbed one bar of Ate’s miracle whitening soap from the nearest department store. I read the instructions carefully and followed it diligently but after consuming few bars in a few months, I felt a little defeated for no matter how much I lathered it on my skin everytime i took a shower, the miracle whitening soap didn’t just work the way it did to Ate.

So, I decided to let go of that curiosity, i stopped thinking about it and after a few months I successfully forgot the first attempt to brighten my skin out of curiosity. In fact, I loved my skin color that time, well as I always do now and besides in the Philippines, we were taught that a true “Dalagang Filipina” is “morena” or in the west they describe it as “olive skin“.

Looking back, I reckoned I was kinda too young to understand the meaning of skin discrimination since everyone looked the same for me. That time of my age, I saw my fellow Filipinos contented on whatever skin color they had. “Everybody is happy in Cebu” that’s what we Cebuanos always say and this is true to many Taiwanese friends who had been to Cebu who would tell me their experience after traveling to my homeland for study and leisure. – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – Turning Point

2000 Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May) Queen of Hope (Reyna Esperanza) in Cebu, Philippines

I must say I was just so chill and carefree about skin care in my teenage probably because I never really had proper education on the importance of correct skincare for women. Until one day, I saw a very convincing advertisement and it made me believe that it’s quite easy to achieve a pinkish glow skin if I use their product. I was so sold out from that ad right then and there so what I did after watching it, instantly I went to the grocery store and bought one for me.

Yey! That advertisement was actually right! My pinkish glow facial cleanser worked with no mañana! I was in total disbelief! I got excited and obviously satisfied with my decision on buying that product from the ad. However, one day at school, my good friend Ullyses noticed my face was kinda bright and pinkish. He blurted, ” Day! naputi lage imong nawong unya mura’g blooming ka (Little sister! Your face looked white and blooming!)”!

After I pondered on my bff’s compliment, I felt I should be happy hearing that right? But I wasn’t so instead of continuing the skin care, I withdrew from using the product and just went back to the normal soap I used since high school. As I contemplated now on why I did that, I realized I wasn’t ready with other people’s impression of me having a whiter or brighter skin. – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – I’m a Woman now

I was about to graduate in college and one of my friends  introduced the idea of bleaching as another way to brighten one’s skin. I tried to research on it’s safety (of course) and since it’s like a common knowledge to junior and senior students that time, I voluntarily joined the bleaching club (club is the term we use that time to describe a trend). I could clearly count the times I did that beauty regimen.

I put it on my whole body twice and then gave up. I felt exhausted doing that technique on brightening or whitening skin. Aside from the steps to follow, If I remembered it right, you need these ingredients written below to make it effective.

Ingredients for the skin Bleaching (please if you try this on you, check if you have a sensitive skin or allergic to any of the ingredients for your safety)

  1. Shredded Papaya 
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and
  3. Calamsi or Philippine Lime

I had to carefully mix these three to attain my purpose. As expected, and like my attitude to Ate’s miracle whitening soap, I let go of that complicated skin therapy not because I didn’t wanna try, but because I was too indolent to follow all the steps. Truly, being a woman is high maintenance. Besides, in my mind, for a beach bum like me, bleaching my skin didn’t make any sense at all.

Although I was still interested in brightening my skin, most especially if I see my complexion that’s more like a shadow in front of the mirror without exaggeration, after soaking in the salt water all day, I felt exhausted thinking about shopping the ingredients and doing the bleaching steps over and over again.

I could just laugh now reminiscing all those childishness. I couldn’t imagine I did those crazy stuffs out of curiosity. Yet I felt like my teenage then was simpler compared to the kind of beauty challenge the young girls are experiencing now with all the norms of beauty on social media.  – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – Skin Reveal

2006 Cebu White Sands Resort and SPA
Brighten your skin – Happier Gen

After four years of hard work at school, as a scholar in a State University in Cebu, I finally understood the feeling of being a part of the working population. It was like being in a real grown up situation for me. I was so proud because I earned and lived on my own at a very young age. In my younger years, I wasn’t that particular in skincare. I used common and cheap bath soaps in the Philippines for years. I was indeed enjoying my new role in the society and in the family. I got my own money being employed and I could shop whatever I please.

One time, during my skincare shopping routine, I couldn’t find the two brands I used to purchase for my simple step yet I called it a happy bath. However, while looking at the soap rack, my eyes were caught by an unfamiliar soap brand packed brightly and sparkly in a yellow orange box. It read “Likas Papaya“. The name sounded awkwardly funny and weird yet out of my innate curiosity, I bought one bar for me and I didn’t even realize that from then on it had become my skin miracle soap. – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – True Skin Color
Model Elegant Fashion by Mark Belangel

My face and whole body brightened and I looked quite happy about it. I guess it was because it wasn’t an exhausting transformation. I didn’t have to follow any steps and act like Einstein (just to have a whiter skin). I just took a nice relaxing shower daily and poof, I exfoliated enough to reveal the true color of my skin. People might describe it as white or bright but for me, it’s the younger version of my skin, the one I had when i was still a baby since during those years, I surely couldn’t walk my way to the beach. (

Since then, Likas Papaya soap became my miracle beauty soap and it had been the subject of my research for safe usage. I had browsed several websites about this brand and according to online information, it’s an herbal soap and it has natural enzyme that helps in achieving a younger looking skin. – Brighten your skin

Brighten your skin – Reference Online Review

Likas Papaya Whitening Soap is an organic herbal soap that works wonders in taking care of your skin. It will make your skin clear, lighter and very beautiful within a short period of time.

It is one of the most effective whitening and toning soap. It gently exfoliates the skin to reveal newer cells and has many restorative properties that softens and smoothens skin.

It breaks the bond that holds dead skin cells together and reveal the healthy and moist skin underneath through its inherent capability of deep exfoliation. It also lightens the skin tone. (From Reviews Blog).

So here are the other products I used on my skin that I believe are effective in the purpose of brightening one’s skin

Note: It doesn’t mean it worked on me it might also work on your skin. We all have our own skin type but the most important thing is that you have read this information on my blog and you learn it from my firsthand experience.

Effective whitening or brightening products based on my skin type “Dry and Sensitive”

1999Ponds Pinkish Glowfor the face
2003-2010Likas Papaya soap original (Be careful there are fake ones believe me)for the whole body and face
2010 up to 2015Royale Kojic Papaya soap for my Acne ( I had acne issues since 2006 due to my digestive problem and i got rid of it with Royale Kojic papaya soap)for the face
2010 up to 2015Royale L-GlutaPower soap for my whole body (I had to stop using Royale products due to its unavailability in Taiwan)
for the whole body
2015 to October 2021 Kao White (it didn’t brighten my skin that much but at least it didn’t ruin my skin color as well, in fact it moisturizes my skin for years)for the body
2021 NovemberLikas Papaya I got back to where I started because as the season changes this year, I began to have skin itching and I remember Likas Papaya , was the most effective soap I had that helped me clear my skin including all impurities. for the face and whole body
Secret on how to brighten your skin

What works to me might not work on you but hey, it’s a good read

Likas papaya is an original soap from the Philippines and you can buy it online or in many Filipino stores worldwide. If this article helped you with your research on how to brighten one’s skin, then before you go, take a little more time to read this testimony below and don’t forget to share this to your friends because “Sharing is Caring“.

 Likas Papaya Soap Testimony

I had a colleague named Matt, an African from Lagos. When he knew I am a Filipina, he was excited to share about his favorite product made in the Philippines. The famous Likas Papaya soap because according to him, it brightened his skin and made him feel so confident and comfortable because it gave him a squeaky clean feeling every after shower.

Also read: Beauty Tutorials

For me skin care is just a small part of being beautiful. The moment you accept your whole being, you will begin to bloom.

-GenHellophiltai| Everyday with Gen



  1. Me too im using likas papaya since high school but due to curiosity i tried many other product to lighten my skin..but recently i went back to likas papaya again due to my skin dry and product allergies..i dont mind if my skin dont get lighter,i love my skin i love me❤️

    • I feel you.. I could even relate to you too.. Could be the season change that we experience skin irritation.. Altho after almost 2 weeks now with Likas, the rashes are quite lighter na.. Thanks for sharing~ Im confident to share Likas as safe coz I tried to check if it has mercury and other harmful whitening chemicals.. Fortunately it’s clean~~

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